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Re: routing table size

  • From: Bradley Dunn
  • Date: Sat Jul 27 12:20:37 2002

On Sat, 27 Jul 2002, Ralph Doncaster wrote:

> If the size of the global routing table is really an important issue, why
> not start filtering /24 announcements?

By all means, go ahead. You don't need anyone's permission. Report back with 
your results.

> I have more of a legal right to use my /20 since I pay ARIN >$2K/yr for
> it, vs most /24 owners.

Setting aside the fallacy that people have different rights based on how much 
they paid for their allocation, you are of course free to announce whatever 
slices of your /20 you want.

What you seem to have trouble grasping, and this is the key point, is that the 
rest of the world is free to ignore said announcements. If you're not their 
customer they don't owe you anything. Period. No matter how many times you post 
