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Latest CERT/CC attack trends

  • From: Sean Donelan
  • Date: Tue Apr 09 23:21:06 2002

CERT/CC has published a paper on the latest trends in malicious
attacks (not accidents, operator error, etc) on the Internet.

CERT/CC identifies four increasing trends affecting the network
   1. Distributed Denial of Service - From an infrastructure point
      of view this is a resource exhaustion issue (bandwidth, arp
      tables, cpu, etc)
   2. Worms - Really a vector rather than a different attack, how the
      attack payload is delivered
   3. Attacks on the Domain Name System - Registry security, cache issues
      at all levels, out of date server software
   4. Attacks against or using routers - Transitive trust issues,
      control/data seperation, poorly secured routers used as attack