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Re: wireless traffic

  • From: Andrew Brown
  • Date: Fri Nov 09 10:46:27 2001

>> Does anybody know where I can locate a list of MAC address prefixes that
>> belong specifically to wireless NIC cards?  I am looking for a method of
>> discovering what devices on my network are wireless devices.
>Power down the wireless hub and see who calls? ;)
>Seriously though - your wireless hub/transmitter may have a queryable
>arp table that will tell you what's not using the wire....

i've used/seen cards with these prefixes:

 00:e0:29 - smc
 00:02:2d - orinoco/wavelan cards (lucent/agere)

however, there's nothing to stop the vendor from using a given prefix
for wired cards as well.  more to the point, it's relatively trivial
to change the hardware address of the card, so all bets are off (read
as: mac address filtering is useless).

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
[email protected]             * "ah!  i see you have the internet
[email protected] (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"
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