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Re: Is this normal?

  • From: Gordon Ewasiuk
  • Date: Wed Jun 27 03:28:03 2001
  • X: marks the spot.

On Yesterday, Larry Diffey wrote:
>I've only been lurking here for a couple of days and I hope this isn't
>an inappropriate question for this group.  No flames please if I
>shouldn't have posted this (or for the double negative); a good stern
>warning will do just fine. :-)   

RFC1918 TROLL!  lol.  kidding. =)

>I'm wondering if what I'm seeing in this trace route is normal provider
>behavior (I haven't seen this happen before now).  
<snip traceroute with 1918 addys>

Depends on the meaning of "normal". Check out

There are many, many other threads about this and related topics(NAT,
VPNs with 1918 addys, breaking traceoute with 1918 addys, etc.) 
RFC1918 addys are sacred stomping ground.

@Home and Adelphia(atleast in VA) use 1918 addys internally.  They
usually turn up between the modem and the distribution hub/headend(?).

Also, poke around at  Complete
archives of NANOG discussions from 1994.  


Gordon Ewasiuk, Sun Firefighter, Winstar VHC
O:  703.889.4035  C:  703.731.4828  IM:  wanjunkie
The REAL office number is here----->  703.893.4901
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