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Re: Multicast Traffic on Backbones

  • From: Michael Whisenant
  • Date: Sun Jun 10 14:28:31 2001

> credit where due department:
> i was merely channeling a position sean doran has taken for many years

Sorry, I have hear that argument from you in past nanogs, and on this list for
some time. I will correct my source....

> and, while we have a non-op message
>   o after five years, i graduated from verio a couple of months ago, and
>     am now at at&t doing research and architecture

	Congratulations then may be in order. I noticed the change in some
postings and the URL that you sent, but am taken aback that you changed from
the hectic world to a more calm and slower pace setting of research. (That is
the natural opinion... hehehe)

>   o i suspect the nanog thread regarding which backbones have native
>     multicast enabled may be inaccurate.  but it's good to see new folk
>     exploring the technology

	Could not agree more, there are several native multicast backbones and
we interact with several as well. Most of our multicast traffic is not
multimedia, but actually science data to researchers.

>   o the folk most interested in revising the meaning of "tier-1" are
>     usually those who are not

	Not sure as to if that applies to this thread or my former comments,
but I tend to agree :-)

>   o the  kiddies are out for the summer nothing constructive to do, so
>     are impersonating net operators on aim, phone, etc.  so verify cold
>     calls, aim, etc.

	Again not sure as to implication, but my messages to this list with
this address are personal in nature. I have the experience of running several
regional ISPs (not teir-1, but large non the less. Kinda like Verio some
time back...) and currently running NASA's IP networks (WAN not the hosts).

>   o ipv6, mpls, and diffserve-enabled backbones will solve all your
>     problems

	Sounds like you researchers have all the answers, so when will it be
enabled and resove all our problems? Will we not have a new set of problems,
or has something changed that resolves those as well?

	Again, congratulations, if you are happy, on you move from the
commerical sector to the research side.