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Re: The DSL business model

  • From: Christopher A. Woodfield
  • Date: Tue May 15 16:33:24 2001

Not to mention that if you're looking to do BGP, most providers won't 
think of letting you run BGP over anything that's not at least a T1. When 
I was at Intermedia, we didn't even let customer do BGP over frame relay - 
they had to have a fractional T1 service at minimum.


> The technology that can be faulted, and I sincerely apologize for not being
> clear enough on this, is that which prevents adequate redundancy at the
> end-nodes. The fact that 100,000 businesses can get lopped off by a single
> provider business failure is pretty sad. I've tried, for over a year, to get
> redundant uplinks to an alternate provider (ISDN backup to xDSL). CIDR,
> prefix filtering, and cluelessness nail that effort every time. It doesn't
> seem to matter that I am more than willing to pay for it. It simply isn't
> available. But, it should be (I don't mean tinker-toy methods either).
> Before CIDR, it was. The past few quarters has shown how necessary it is.
> Guys, this is a huge market gap, why isn't anyone filling it?
> -- 
> Managing Director
> Morgan Hill Software Company, Inc.
> TEL: +001 925 373 3954
> FAX: +001 925 373 9781
> mailto: [email protected]

Christopher A. Woodfield		[email protected]

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