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Re: Reasons why BIND isn't being upgraded

  • From: J Bacher
  • Date: Sat Feb 03 22:57:34 2001

> > I'm confused.  I get the TLD server operators part.  But you're saying
> > that you'd only give OS vendors access to this information.  How long does
> > it take, say, Sun, to issue a patch update?  Wouldn't it be much more
> > efficient, and useful, to issue the information directly to the people
> > using the software?  How many people actually use the default vendor
> > binaries anyways?
> Just about every very large company that I've ever worked with. Also,
> having spent numerous years working the NAVSEA and other Pentagon systems,
> you are explicitly not permitted to install anything other than a
> vendor-provided patch.
> My god, are there really this many idiots out there that don't grasp how
> the world works?

Good.  Reduce yourself to insults and don't even answer the [first]