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Re: Second day of rolling blackouts starts

  • From: Jim Duncan
  • Date: Thu Jan 18 21:05:02 2001

Shawn McMahon writes:
> X amount of power takes Y amount of money to produce.
> You can either pay it to a state-sponsored monopoly, or you can pay it to a
> private company competing freely, or you can force artificially low prices
> through pseudo-private companies operating under cap that generates Y minus
> N amount of income, and watch X minus N amount of power be generated.
> No amount of legislation will make Y minus N amount of money produce X amount
> of power.  No company that is truly competing will charge Y minus N, because
> they make more money if they charge Y.

Are we gonna be graded on this later?  They didn't cover this in
Engineering Economy last semester.


Jim Duncan, Product Security Incident Manager, Cisco Systems, Inc.
E-mail: <[email protected]>  Phone(Direct/FAX): +1 919 392 6209