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Re: decreased caching efficiency?

  • From: William Allen Simpson
  • Date: Fri Oct 20 08:31:11 2000

Daniel Senie wrote:
> It might be worth thinking about the problem from the other end. From a
> web site owner's perspective, caching is a major annoyance. Here are the
> arguments you may encounter from a web site owner or web developer:
> 1. It interferes with content in many cases (web site visitors may see
> cached pages instead of current content). I know cache products claim
> this doesn't happen, but it has, and often.
In reality, there are very few things that are dynamic.  I don't 
honor zero time expiry.  Even MRTG doesn't need a granularity of 
less than 30 seconds.

> 2. The website owner loses information on how many visitors are coming
> to the site.
Why should the ISP care about a faulty model?  Does the website 
owner pay the ISPs to collect such information? 

> 3. The website owner loses the demographics on where visitors are coming
> from, and especially the number of unique visitors. (It's not helpful to
> know that one cache engine visited, if that cache engine equated to
> 10,000 visits in an hour).
People go to websites to learn information.  They don't go to websites 
to involuntarily give information.  It's a de facto privacy violation.

> 4. Banner advertising may or may not display properly when caching is
> involved, thereby costing the website money.
Not all business plans are viable.  Click-throughs may work properly, 
but impressions do not make any sense.

> 5. There's NOTHING in it for the website owner, other than the
> possibility that SOME pages might display faster for SOME users.
Don't website owners have to pay for bandwidth?

> If folks running networks really think website designers and owners
> should care about caching, then there needs to be some sort of benefit
> (perhaps paid in dollars) to those affected. 

If website owners don't properly interact with caching, then there 
needs to be some sort of benefit (definitely paid in dollars) to those 

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