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RE: ARIN Policy on IP-based Web Hosting

  • From: Jason Slagle
  • Date: Thu Aug 31 00:25:07 2000

The problem is that SCP is several orders of magnitude slower then FTP.  I
use scp, rsync (on top of ssh), nfs, and several other methods of moving
files around, and ftp blows them all away.

You also need to build a ftp like structure on top of it.  ie:  I pick the
files I want instead of having to know the filenames.

Until this happens, I can see no viable alternative to FTP.

I wouldn't be unhappy to see one, but we can't retire it without a good
replacement that performs nearly as well.


Jason Slagle - CCNA - CCDA
Network Administrator - Toledo Internet Access - Toledo Ohio
- [email protected] - [email protected] - WHOIS JS10172
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On Wed, 30 Aug 2000, Joe Shaw wrote:

> It has been argued by people far smarter than I that FTP needs to
> disappear, and I tend to agree with them.  Not that I think that file
> transfers should no longer take place, but FTP has certainly outlived it's
> usefulness in today's networks and should be replaced with something a bit
> more robust/secure.  I think SCP is certainly a start in the right
> direction.  With a few modifications, it could certainly be an adequate
> drop-in replacement.