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Re: RBL-type BGP service for known rogue networks?

  • From: Eric A. Hall
  • Date: Sat Jul 08 15:12:27 2000

> ORBS forge headers (thereby violating the RFC) to look as if they're
> coming from domains you host, then if it goes through, they put you
> in their little black book for being an 'open relay'.  No notice,
> nothing.

The last part of that statement is simply untrue. I got ORBS'd once and
they notified me via [email protected] If you don't get notified then
you don't have a postmaster account for the domain, and it is you who
are in violation of the RFCs.

As for the "forge headers in violation" part, they have to test the
common variations. Who cares if they do that as a one-off probe. If they
were doing it all the time it would be a problem, but once is nothing.
Of course, the spammers who are using your server as an open relay are
certainly violating that and much more, so if it really bothers you
close your freaking relay. ;)

I for one was happy for the free and comprehensive testing. It pointed
out a whole I had missed in my config. Once patched, I was out of the
ORBS database in less than 24 hourse, and was able to get out on my own
just by filling out a form on their web site that kicked off an
automated retesting.

I think ORBS provides an excellent service, and I say that because my
experience says that they rely entirely upon factual evidence before
they block, and it is easy to get out of the database once you provide
evidence that you have fixed your server.

Eric A. Hall                            
Internet Core Protocols