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  • From: Gregory A. Carter
  • Date: Thu Feb 03 17:55:17 2000

 Patrick Greenwell [Re: SERVER NAMES] 2.2.2000
 . [list deleted]
 . Not picking on you in particular, but isn't one of the greatest advantages
 . to having DNS to offer *meaningful* names to machines(assuming anything
 . other than a home network?)
 . It's nice to be able to go in to a company and see machines named "www1,
 . www2, mx1, mx2" etc. which offer some indication as to their purpose
 . rather than "maverick, foozlebutt, blarg", etc. which offers no such
 . indication. I know it isn't as fun, but it certainly seems to be much more
 . useful (IMO of course...) 

You're not alone here I was wondering the same thing.  The company I work
for and the company I run privately both use naming schemes in the form




We know this server is in Napa, California, it's a mail server, the first
one and it's a backup domain controler for an NT network.

Just a though folks :)


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