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Wow, customer communication is catching on

  • From: Sean Donelan
  • Date: Tue Dec 07 06:05:40 1999

It looks like this customer communication thing is catching on.  After three
consective problem Sundays, Microsoft decided it might be a good idea to tell
its network customers what was happening (no more nebuleous statements blaming
the "Internet").

>From Microsoft's web page:

>December 5 Connection Problems 
>As you may know, at 7 P.M. on the night of Sunday, December 5, there were
>severe connection problems, which resulted in disconnections and lag. This was
>because a reconfiguration in our datacenter was made at that time. Due to a
>communication breakdown (which we are assuring will not happen again), word of
>this change did not reach those of us who inform the players of such a
>reconfiguration. Had we known about the reconfiguration, we would have warned
>you not to play while it was going on. 
>Adding to the problem, after the reconfiguration stopped, we gave the players
>the "all clear" to re-enter the game. Unfortunately, within 20 minutes, there
>was a datacenter problem, and this caused more connection disruptions. We are
>still investigating the cause of this problem; it was not caused by another
>reconfiguration but probably was a consequence of the previous one.
>We deeply apologize for these problems, both that a reconfiguration was made
>during a busy time, and that you did not get adequate warning. 
>NOTICE: Datacenter Reconfiguration December 6
>In an effort to eliminate further connection disruptions in our datacenter, a
>reconfiguration is being done late on December 6. This will begin at midnight
>and end at 5 A.M., Pacific time. It is strongly advised that you do not play
>AC during this time, as bad lag can hit at any moment. After 5 A.M., cautious
>play is advised until we are sure the new configuration is stable.