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Re: Warning to ISPs: 9netave

  • From: Phil Howard
  • Date: Fri Sep 03 03:32:22 1999

Peter Galbavy wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 02, 1999 at 02:15:50AM -0500, Phil Howard wrote:
> > So 9netave has no AUP prohibiting use of its services for conducting scams?
> > I would not want to run my web site at a hoster that could become blocked by
> > many ISPs.  But then, I'd never use 9netave for many reasons.
> I dunno. I just made the point. Check their web site for their AUPs
> and if they are breached, follow the instructions they give. Remember
> however that the AUP is an agreement between the provider and customer
> and does not give a third party any rights (unless it is badly
> written). That is what the courts are for.

If I had a web site that needed hosting by such a provider, I would want
to choose one based on many factors, but one of those factors is whether
or not their policies, as they affect other customers, may have an impact
on my service from them.  For example, I would not want to host my site
where spamming comes from (which already takes 9netave out of the picture)
out of the fear that network attacks could likely be higher to them (and
increase the risk that my web site is unreachable).  I would also not want
to host my site where adult material was significantly hosted (unless I
was hosting an adult site, in which case I would prefer a place that did
that to gain from their experience with it).

The AUP of a potential provider can have importance not just on what it
would prevent me from doing (which is generally not significant for me)
but also in what it will prevent other customers from doing that can have
an effect on the service I get.

Phil Howard           KA9WGN
[email protected] [email protected]