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Re: ARIN Difficulties

  • From: Kim Hubbard
  • Date: Thu Jun 24 13:07:52 1999

Okay, now I'm confused.  Yesterday, we arranged a telephone call to
discuss your request when I get back in my office (I'm currently in San Jose)
and then you ask the NANOG list who to talk to.  Do you still want to discuss
your request with me or have you found someone else to talk to?

I hope you'll call me because I'd be *very* interested in seeing your request
where one of the ARIN staff rejected it by saying "just because".  

Kim Hubbard
> Who do you go to, when you've spent a year detailing everything ARIN wants
> when you ask for address space, then they decide to flush an installed and
> operating $2B business plan "just because".