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Re: appearently so: ... again ?!?

  • From: Randy Delucchi
  • Date: Fri Dec 18 16:13:06 1998

We're upgrading our mailservers, during this process, you may see 
intermittant deferrals, refusals, and larger than normal queues. It can 
be mitigated by resending, esp. at offpeak times. We hope to be finished 
and back to normal shortly. Sorry for the hassle.

Randy Delucchi, Dir of CS/NOC
MSN Hotmail (408) 222-7037

>To: Carl Moberg <[email protected]>, [email protected], 
[email protected],
>        [email protected], [email protected]
>cc: [email protected]
>Subject: appearently so: ... again ?!?
>Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 10:48:00 -0600
>From: steve rader <[email protected]>
> > From: Carl Moberg
> > I am (once again) experiencing _heavy_ problems delivering
> > mail to My SMTP sessions keep timing out
> > in the initial phase. TCP is up clean but it seems like
> > the servers are having a hard time producing anything SMTP-like.
> > Anyone else ?
>Us too... see enclosed which I sent yesterday afternoon but
>didn't seem to make it through to the list.  (It was accepted
>by with id OAA21910?!)
>My mrtg graphs show it started on tuesday at about 1000-1200 CST.
>Some msgs flush around 0300-0400 every night, but
>certainly isn't keeping up:
> - tuesday's peak was ~460 msgs
> - wednesday's peak was ~690 
> - last night it hit 902
>Javasoft & Exodus:
>(I doubt [email protected] will get this msg...)
>Please let hotmail know there smtp msg throughput has
>really sucked rocks the last ~ 72 hrs.  Thanks.
>-- -- -- --
>Steve Rader
>Systems and Network Manager
>WiscNet--Internetworking for Wisconsin
>[email protected]
>bash: syntax error near unexpected token `=:)'
>------- Forwarded Message
>Date:    Thu, 17 Dec 1998 13:57:33 -0600
>From:    steve rader <[email protected]>
>To:      [email protected]
>Subject: hotmail has gone cold!?!
>Anybody know what's up with hotmail?  To wit...
> gomer(rader): mailq | grep Deferred | grep | wc -l
>     593
>- -- -- -- --
>Steve Rader
>Systems and Network Manager
>WiscNet--Internetworking for Wisconsin
>[email protected]
>bash: syntax error near unexpected token `=:)'
>------- End of Forwarded Message

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