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Re: Is Qwest leaking routes?

  • From: Charles Sprickman
  • Date: Tue Oct 27 14:54:47 1998

On Tue, 27 Oct 1998, Sean Donelan wrote:

> Have you tried asking your upstream, Sprint (AS 1239) why they are
> still listening to, and re-announcing the route?  Was it the old
> cisco bug, where routes sometimes get stuck in the route table due
> to dropping the withdrawl?  Or some other reason?

My upstream is actually Genuity/GTEI (AS 3847).  I've opened a ticket with
them, but it seems that the old Genuity parts of the network are suffering
from a certain amount of neglect.  I used to have some direct contact
with the folks left at Genuity, but now my only route to support/help is
GTE/BBN's noc.  The last response from them amounted to asking questions
about connectivity, what IP was I coming from and going to, etc.  They
apparently ignored the little 'sh ip bgp' snippet I sent.  They said it
was normal to transit sprint to get to mci/cw.  I wouldn't think so, as
they have peering with mci/cw, but who knows.

FWIW, I still see this today, and I'm guessing this is the IOS bug you are
speaking of, either upstream or at my router...  Time to poke around the
bug database...



> As part of the post-mortum, was everyone able to easily reach the
> correct people at the responsible NOC's of other providers to resolve
> this problem?  I've been told in the past there are no communication
> difficulties between the billion dollar providers, and bi-lateral
> processes work well.
> -- 
> Sean Donelan, Data Research Associates, Inc, St. Louis, MO
>   Affiliation given for identification not representation

=-----------------=                                        = 
| Charles Sprickman                       Internet Channel |
| INCH System Administration Team         (212)243-5200    |
| [email protected]                          [email protected]  |
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