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Re: IP allocations, renumbering, and RFC 2050

  • From: Robert Boyle
  • Date: Wed Oct 07 21:38:39 1998

At 08:33 PM 10/7/98 -0400, Scott Gifford wrote:
>We have a customer who is in the process of moving from
>MCI^H^H^HCable and Wireless to us.  They have been using MCI/CW for a while,
>and need time to renumber their equipment, have their customers change
>    The ISP
>    should allow sufficient time for the renumbering process to be
>    completed before the IP addresses are reused.
>However, the rep they spoke with at MCI/CW seems to feel that the moment the
>connection is cancelled, the IP addresses may be reassigned to another
>customer, and they should not expect a grace period for renumbering.

>Thanks for any experience/info/ideas/reality checks,


About four weeks ago, before the InternetMCI->C&W sale was finalized, the
policy was that MCI customers would have up to six months (as per RFC 2050
and generally accepted good practices) at such time the network space would
be returned to MCI's pool. A very detailed policy paper on this was posted at:


However, since the logo has changed, they have now removed ALL information
regarding any grace period. Maybe someone from C&W can address this? Was
this a mistake/oversight or has the policy actually changed? ...and while
your're at it, can you change the incorrect billing name on our account?
I'v been trying to get it done for 3+ years! :(


Robert Boyle           Server Co-location,
Garden Networks        Internet Access,
50 Diller Ave          Development & Consulting
Newton, NJ 07860       (973)300-9211 Ext.103
8AM-8PM Mon-Fri EST
Quality Internet Connectivity Nationwide