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Re: WorldNIC

  • From: Michael Dillon
  • Date: Tue Jun 09 17:25:37 1998

On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Adrian Chadd wrote:

> FOr example. Wouldn't it make more logical sense if there existed a domain
> '' with which movies were registered under? 

I quite agree that it would make more logical sense. It would also make
more logical sense if all babies were assigned to a profession at birth
and all Internet providers were licensed by the State Bandwidth Demand and
Supply Board. But there is more to life than logic and "sense". Therefore
I prefer a naming system that is diverse and chaotic and I'm confident
that such a system would evolve into something that would be of more use
to more people than a hierarchical taxonomy.

> With the sheer amount of information on the internet today there really needs
> to be a decent distributed indexing system for all of it. DNS could have been
> it if it were maintained a little more thoughtfully from the beginning.

Dream on. DNS is an addressing scheme just like "123 Any St., Anytown,
USA". It does a job that needed to be done, more or less well. If you want
something different then find people who will pay for it and build it. I
suspect you will find that there is little demand and no money available
to build a universal index of everything there is.

Michael Dillon                 -               Internet & ISP Consulting
Memra Communications Inc.      -               E-mail: [email protected]           -  *check out the new name & new website*