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Re: Cable & Wireless buys MCI Internet

  • From: J.D. Falk
  • Date: Fri May 29 11:11:41 1998

On 05/28/98, "Perry E. Metzger" <[email protected]> wrote:

> God, this is all so DERANGED.
> MCI is merging with Worldcom. The E.U.'s antitrust people said that
> Worldcom couldn't both own MCI's internet business and UUNet's. The
> result seems understandable.

	It would if MCI was selling off the entire Internet segment
	of the company.  Right now it looks like they're actually
	only selling a tiny chunk (probably the chunk that's got
	"Internet" in the name as opposed to "data services"), so
	it's pretty clearly just a token effort -- but it might
	work, leaving MCI Worldcom free to screw us all over.

	I'm not saying they /will/.  But it's looking like it won't
	be too long until they /can/.

> Naturally, of course, loons decide to interpret this as part of a
> great conspiracy...

	Nah, this is pretty boring as conspiracies go.

J.D. Falk                                                    <[email protected]>
Vixie Enterprises                               
*** No more time to wait! ***