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Re: Wired Q: Embedded NT

  • From: Dean Anderson
  • Date: Mon May 25 22:25:40 1998

At 4:47 AM -0400 5/25/98, Peter Galbavy wrote:
>from Mickeysoft promoting the "No one ever got fired for buying M$"
>message. NT is a >corporate< product. This, in my view, means that

This strategy worked fairly well for IBM selling mainframes. Its the way to
sell to morons.   They aren't going to understand the technology well
enough to make an informed, intelligent choice, so you convince them they
will be "safe" buying your product.  Of course, IBM was selling to business
managers who didn't know anything about computers.  Does Microsoft think
they will be selling this kind of networking gear to people who don't know
anything about networks? (They've made such mistakes before. MS Bob comes
to mind, here)

Somehow, I think networking is and will remain hard enough that there won't
be very many such idiots in the networking marketplace.  I concede that
this might be an unreasonable expectation however.


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