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Re: InterNIC problems?

  • From: Edward S. Marshall
  • Date: Wed Mar 04 01:28:37 1998

On Tue, 3 Mar 1998, Adam Rothschild wrote:
> I've noticed that domain modifications have taken an abnormally long time
> to process as of late.  Automagically generated mail seems to flow
> properly, at least for me.

Not just abnormally long, but a wierd kind of backwards. ;-) We're running
an automated "InterNIC Manager" that I whipped up over here, and I'm
constantly being told about ACKs that we receive hours after the domain
has already gone through. ;-)

Been happening since I wrote the system, but it's happening with alarming
regularity since their troubles with splitting whois services off for
ARIN (regularity meaning that almost -every- submission is going through,
and then I'm getting the initial ACK ;-). Have they started prioritizing
their outbound email?

Another question, sort of related...why aren't ARIN and InterNIC doing
referral whois back and forth? You'd think it would be relatively simple
to just proxy the unknown requests to the other 'big' whois agencies
(ARIN, RIPE, etc)...

-------------------.  emarshal at  .---------------------------------
Edward S. Marshall  `-----------------------'

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