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Re: "Today is a good day to die"

  • From: Prabhu Kavi
  • Date: Fri Dec 19 16:59:16 1997

     Nope.  Try a bunch of 1+Meg emailed executables showing things like 
     Rudolph going splat, men and women dancing, etc.

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Subject: "Today is a good day to die" 
Author:  "J.D. Falk" <[email protected]>  at smtplink
Date:    12/19/97 11:08 AM

        There seem to be a lot of packets deciding that today is a 
        good day to die and rushing towards exchange points in order 
        to throw themselves off of the nearest gigaswitch.
        Has Worldcom upgraded the MAE's again, or is this the much- 
        touted explosion of "e-commerce" for the Christmas season?
        We've gotten nothing useful out of Worldcom today; anybody 
        else had any better luck?
J.D. Falk                         voice: +1-650-482-2840         
Supervisor, Network Operations      fax: +1-650-482-2844
"The People You Know.  The People You Trust." 