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Re: AGIS Signing up New Spammers

  • From: Michael Dillon
  • Date: Mon Nov 17 14:19:03 1997

>Or try "".  Tell me THAT's not obvious on
>its face.

Our routers haven't a clue whether or not a packet belongs to an email
message or a USENET article let alone whether it is tagged with the
above-mentioned newsgroup identifier or whether its content has been
correctly tagged by that identifier. And our news server doesn't have much
more of a clue regarding content. It essentially acts as a router for
traffic on TCP port 119 attached to a sizeable buffer cache. We are in the
business of transporting bits without regard to the semantics encoded in
those bits.

Off topic opinion:

IMHO it is not possible and never will be possible to have automated
systems filter content. Filtering content is the job of human beings with
job titles like "editor", and "reviewer". Automated systems will make it
much simpler to apply the opinions of editors and reviewers but the human
element will always be an essential element in any system for filtering
content and such systems will always work best when they focus on selecting
the best content rather than on banning the worst content.

Michael Dillon                    voice: +1-650-482-2840
Senior Systems Architect            fax: +1-650-482-2844

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