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Re: Web Biz Universal Remove List Update

  • From: Craig A. Huegen
  • Date: Mon Oct 20 02:52:22 1997

On Mon, 20 Oct 1997, Jon Lewis wrote:

==>> The "IEMMC" crap that Sanford Wallace promoted was also an engine to
==>> generate addresses for spam use.  I know of a few people (including
==>> myself) who tested this theory by using a very old account from which we
==>That's not a valid test.  Lists of addresses, many of them very old, get
==>used for spam all the time.  I used to get spam via a school mainframe
==>account I'd not used for several years.  That account had never done
==>usenet and was on very few if any mailing lists.

This was essentially the same thing.  The fact that others tried it with
the same results all points to the same conclusion.

It's possible that when you did it was quite different from when I tried
it.  Namely, mine was in August, I believe.
