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Re: [NOOP] 24x7 NOC..

  • From: J.D. Falk
  • Date: Fri Oct 03 00:07:55 1997

On Oct 2, Steve Miller <[email protected]> wrote: 

>  We work 4/10hr days, Sun/Mon/Tue/Wed or Wed/Thur/Fri/Sat. People get three
> days off in a row, including one weekend day. We have our staff meetings/
> training on Wednesday afternoons. We overlap the split weeks with
> Senior/Supervisory staff who work M-F and tie the two ends of the week
> together. The only ones who are left out are the overnight crew. A night
> supervisor is responsible for communication/training with them. 

	Keeping the night shift informed and included in what's going
	on is very important.  I spent a few months as night NOC
	supervisor at a large ISP on the East Coast and was never
	sure what was going on -- not because of any failing on the
	part of my supervisor (hi Jason), but more because there
	wasn't any mechanism in place for communicating most projects
	& such with the night staff besides word of mouth from whoever
	worked late that day.

	I actually know almost as much about what's going on at night
	there now, after moving all the way across the country, as I 
	did when I showed up for work every night.

	That's one of the reasons that I and my cow orkers at that
	previous job I mentioned actually liked having rotating shifts;
	it meant we'd never be stuck always working at night and never
	knowing what's going on, or always working during the busiest
	times.  As long as the schedule is sent out a couple weeks or
	even months in advance, people can plan their lives around it.

J.D. Falk                         voice: +1-650-482-2840 	
Supervisor, Network Operations      fax: +1-650-482-2844

"The People You Know.  The People You Trust."