North American Network Operators Group

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Re: Filters and reality

  • From: Paul G. Donner
  • Date: Tue Aug 26 21:44:16 1997

At 08:32 AM 8/27/97 +0900, David R. Conrad wrote:
>[Apologies for an (almost technical) post from outside NA to NANOG]
>>Should we continue to poke holes in our filters to let Sprint's customer's
>>customer routes through, or should we keep trying to explain to the Sprint
>>NOC why their customer's customers could use shorter prefix length
>I suppose it depends on what slope you want the graph at
> to have.  Regardless of whether
>the filters are a "good idea" or not, they do tend to limit routing
>table growth and its implications, if for no other reason than smaller
>sites are "encouraged" to go to their providers for address space due
>to fear of being filtered.

No argument there, but what about more consistency in filtering which *might*
lead to more predictability in routing behavior?  Given, diversity in
address assignment (as well as policy) serves as a cause the variation in 
filtering policy.

- donner
