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Re: US Domestic line costs?

  • From: Josh Beck
  • Date: Thu Aug 14 17:37:08 1997

> God, that is a massive difference to nancy's formula!!!  Nancy's cals 
> would give a line cost of around $900 and yours $4350 (going by my 
> Reader's Digest Atlas ;-)))

	Well, PacBell does suck. Additionally, I would imagine that after
X miles line charges change... we only have one PacBell T1 (all others
MFS). It is San Diego -> Irvine, about 100 miles.  I know it isn't $4k,
but I don't know how much it is... around town, however, that is their
cost AFAIK, but then again that too could be dated information.

Josh Beck                                         [email protected]
CONNECTNet INS, Inc.      Phone: (619)450-0254      Fax: (619)450-3216
6370 Lusk Blvd., Suite F-208                       San Diego, CA 92121