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Re: New Root Name Servers

  • From: Karl Denninger
  • Date: Tue Feb 18 14:33:44 1997

> Again, I have redirected followups to [email protected] since this is not a
> NANOG issue.
> > >Also, is it possible that the recent problems NANOG
> > >people have been discussing regarding Root Name Servers
> > >is really the result of these transitions to TRUE Root
> > >Name Servers ?
> > 
> > If whatever you are doing, however you are implimenting it
> > for whatever reasons, caused corrupted data in
> > and the subsequent failures, then you are a menace to the network
> > and should cease and desist activities.  You have clearly stated
> > that your servers don't carry the .com domain directly; if you do
> > something which crashes the servers that do carry .com you will
> > likely find yourself sucking air over your ether pipes.
> > 
> > You could, of course, merely be confused about what happened a
> > few days ago.  I would hope this is the case.
> Older BIND servers do in fact become confused in the presence of multiple
> (disparite) authority declarations for the same domain ("." for example).
> Anyone who has a primary/secondary relationship (direct or indirect) with
> a server who subscribes to private "." data is likely to become confused
> in a way that only occasional nameserver restarts will repair.

Balderdash.  If that were true, we'd have to restart occasionally to clear
this, and we don't.

> BIND 8.1 is more immune to this than BIND 4.9.5 was, but in fact there is
> no "final and complete" solution to this problem other than DNS Security.
> I do not think the problems with H recently had to do with AlterNIC, though.

Ie: "I intend to break alternative, private root arrangements, by including
code which prevents people from doing this".

Good luck Paul.

Karl Denninger ([email protected])| MCSNet - The Finest Internet Connectivity     | T1's from $600 monthly to FULL DS-3 Service
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