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Professionalism, etc...

  • From: Jeff Young
  • Date: Thu Nov 02 08:53:01 1995

>  > From: Michael Dillon <[email protected]>
>  > Sure it has. But a lot of professionals have the attitude that details
>  > need to be hashed out discreetly in private so that a polished,
>  > professional front can be shown in public.
> Let's look at this statement and discuss professionalism a little
> for fun.
ok tim, lets do that but just for fun :-)

exactly how should the professional react to the following:

[an earlier message from tim]...
>Thanks for all the spam.....
>these posting are like  kindergarden of IP users with 
>little answers like:
>" please keep in mind that pings add traffic to the net "
>Blah, blah. blah.  I'm sure I'm not the only one on the
>net that considers these little ' oh, tie your shoe
>before walking ... so called, help messages ' and the
>' make sure to put all the hair in your pants before
>  zipping your zipper..... notes ... SPAMtastic
>Honestly, how some people who just learned how to PING or
>do BGP now believe that everyone else on the net needs their
>advice on the net is a mystery.  

a good manager praises in public, resolves 'personal' 
differences in private but that didn't work - no response.

perhaps if we had ever met i might have seen some cause for
the tirade above - we haven't.  perhaps if i were some
newby that "just learned to bgp" i'd have crawled back into
some hole - i'm not.

so forgive me if i have trouble sitting idly by while tim
"waxes poetic" about the meaning of life and how to be a 
professional in the 90's.  in your own words tim,


Jeff Young
[email protected]