North American Network Operators Group

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Re: CIDR/Aggregation/Allocation Policies

  • From: peter
  • Date: Sun Jan 29 17:50:14 1995

It would appear to me that the number of topics that fit under 
the CIDR moniker is quite large:

	0) status of CIDR, success or failure?
		there are people who want to go back to flat routing of
		the Internet.
	1) whither small providers and how should they get addresses so 
		they can do business
	2) continental based aggregation
	3) the whole issue of allocation strategies, RFC 1466bis
	4) what to do about smaller than 256 sized networks, are class Cs
		as small as people should go?
	5) use of partitioned As and Bs

THis seems like more than 2 hours to me.

